unfashion monday.

On Friday I said that I was going to spend less time on the computer and on the internet over the weekend.  Funny how that worked out.  Sunday morning my phone broke.  Would not turn on at all – broken.  It’s so weird when that happens.  I definitely realized how attached to my phone I am!  It was weird not being able to text.  Or use any apps.  I took my phone to the Verizon store, but they couldn’t fix it.  They suggested I go to the Apple store.  I did that, but it was chaos and I had Jack with me and naptime was approaching.  So we can home, and I went back today.

They couldn’t fix my phone either, so they gave me a brand new one.  So I’m back in touch with the world, which is great.  But I kind of liked not having a phone.  Having a good excuse for not being in touch all the time.  I wasn’t on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter and IT WAS FINE.  Maybe Tommy has a point after all when he says I don’t need to be on my phone all the time.  Guess he was on to something.  So I may try using it a little less.  Being a little more present with my family.


Now, on to Monday.  What I am about to do is shocking to me.  Let me explain…  I have never thought of myself as a fashionable person.  Ever.  I certainly have my own style, which I like to think is a mix of copying current trends and doing them the lazy and cheap way.  As it turns out, people like that.  I never thought about doing fashion posts – ever.  Because I am not a fashionable person.  In fact, I am unfashionable, really.  But I was recently encouraged to do a little fashion blogging because there are a lot of women who are just like me.  They want to look nice, somewhat stylish, be comfortable, and not pay a lot for it.


Y’all, I’m not even kidding when I tell you most of my clothes these days come from Target.  That always shocks people, but there’s really good stuff there.  And it’s stuff that’s in my budget.  I don’t do a lot of shopping.  It’s not very much fun for me.  I hate trying clothes on.  I have a toddler.  And I don’t like spending money on clothes.  So when I’m running in to Target to grab diapers and paper towels, and I see a cute top, I grab it.  Just like a lot of young women.  Target is genius in what they do.  Genius.


So I’m going to share a little “fashion” here and there, which I still think is probably more unfashion.  Because I really don’t know.  So if you know about fashion, please forgive me for tainting the world of fashion.  But if you are like me, maybe you will nod right along with me and we can learn some stuff from each other.


I cannot stall any longer.  Here are a couple of my recent outfits.  [Also, just want to note that this many selfies makes me uncomfortable.]


unfashion monday 1   Leggings are my favorite thing.  So comfortable.  So versatile.  I would wear them all the time if I could.  The problem is that I don’t have a lot of long enough shirts.  I do agree with the “leggings don’t count as pants rule”, but I am also guilty of wearing them as pants some times when I think my shirt is long enough but it ends up not being.  Lessons learned the hard way there.  This isn’t my favorite outfit, but it works.  Basic black polka-dot long top, leggings from Target, sweater from Target, and slippers that I wear as shoes from Target.


unfashion monday 2This lighting is terrible here.  It’s like that episode of Seinfeld where the woman looks one way in good light and scary in poor light.  Yikes!  Leggings, long white, soft shirt from Old Navy clearance, and my favorite warm boots.  Winter coat from Target.


unfashion monday 3 unfashion monday 4
One of my favorite outfits.  Dark skinny jeans from Old Navy, chambray shirt my Granny got me from Kohl’s, and brown/gold Toms.  With my very stylish little helper and his mad apple eating skills.


happy unfashion monday, friends!