confessions of a dietitian.

Sometimes you’re just not feelin’ it ya know?  I love eating healthy– I love fresh food but sometimes something gets a hold of me and I get off my track.

Confession #1:  I had saffron for breakfast twice last week.  Saffron.  I wrote back here that I try not to use saffron in my rice and beans recipe because it’s so high in sodium.  I had it for breakfast.  Really?

Here I wrote about the healthy breakfasts that Jack and I have.  It’s only honest for me to say I don’t always do that.  Usually, yes.  Always, no.  Enter our star – saffron.

Confession #2:  I’m eating a very unhealthy snack right now.  Club crackers + blue cheese dressing.  Just typing it sounds gross but it’s pretty good.  There is this fantastic restaurant called Ridgewood Barbecue in Bluff City, Tennessee.  It’s about 2 1/2 hours from where I live, but my late aunt lived in Bluff City.  When we would go visit her she would take us to Ridgewood, and I knew from a young age that it was something special.  They have the greatest bbq, baked beans, fries, and serve you an appetizer of crackers and their incredible homemade blue cheese dressing.  It’s a neat place, too, because you usually have to wait in line to get in and if it’s closing time and you’re still in line, they’ll shut the door in your face.  Of course, no one likes that but everyone understands it’s the way it is, and they try again another day.  It’s great.  Small little hole-in-the-wall place.  Try it.  It’s worth the drive.

Confession #3:  I  I got into a bad habit.  While I was pregnant with Jack I was sick throughout almost my whole pregnancy.  Since I couldn’t keep much down, I actually drank a pretty good amount of sodas to “settle” my stomach.  At the time, I was concerned about taking in junk for my baby, but I wasn’t concerned about calories since I needed more being pregnant.  After Jack was born I breastfed him and burned calories like nobody’s business.  Seriously, greatest diet EVER.  So I kept on drinking sodas, or what we in the South call Cokes.  [Down here everything’s a Coke.  Still drives Tommy crazy.]  You would think that I would be concerned about all of the junk that is and passing that on to my sweet child, and I was, some, but not enough to stop completely.  But now you know my dirty secret.