our week.

This week was awesome.  Busy.  Crazy.  Full of newness and changes.  Good week.

Delightfully cool outside!  Hello 60 degree days.  Hello fall.

My boys are best friends.  It’s the best.  PS- check out Jack’s eyelashes.  Ohhh I love them!

I gave Jack a chocolate donut to each in the car while we were driving home the other day.  When we got home I opened his door to get him out to find this mess.  I figured with donut all over him he’d at least be happy.  Apparently not.

Lunch date with daddy thanks to some downtown training.  This never happens.  Ya for special occasions!

Jack LOVES the people who play music on Market Square [or anywhere really], but he is totally amazed by people standing and playing their instruments.  He feels the beat in his whole body and he demands to be near it.  After we had lunch with daddy, he took off running towards to music men.  We’d like to have never dragged him away from there 20 minutes later.

We survived day 1 of preschool!  I took this pic as soon as we got home from preschool.  He was so happy!  He seemed to have a great time and things went really well with his first day.  So proud of my big boy.

Piggy-back ride to wrap up the evening play time.  Jack’s favorite way to ride.

Winning lunch at Tomato Head.  Delicious salad… great company.

Playin, playin with Aunt Lindsay.  So much fun.  We’re thankful for family time on the weekends.

linkin’ up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged.
life rearranged

this week.

Starting off the weekly recap with this picture just sums up our awesome week.  I’ve gotten to spend a lot of time with Jack this week, and it’s been so fun.  He is seriously the funnest, sweetest, most easy-going, happiest little guy ever.  He is a true joy to be around.  Before I had Jack I never could have imagined actually having fun spending the day with a toddler.  Now I can’t imagine spending my days any other way.  These are the funnest days I’ve ever had.

Little people portions make me smile.

“Mama, please let me outsiiiidddeeee!”

Playground date with my favorite little man on an evening when Daddy’s working late.

Me in heaven.  He sat in my lap and we watched Wheel of Fortune– one of his favorite shows, seriously.  So cuddly.

New tub toys to turn our tub into a jungle.

The perfect view – I was sitting on the couch watching the boys chase each other and rough house and looked up to see this view of the moon.

Linking up this post with Life Rearranged for her InstaFriday.

life rearranged

what we did this week.

So many pictures ahead.  Consider this fair warning.

I’m linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged for her InstaFriday again this week.  I love love recording our weeks through pictures.  It’s so fun to look back and see what’s been going on based on our weekly pictures.  Thanks for following with us!

We’ve officially welcomed fall at our house.  I took down our summer wreath and replaced it with this festive fall one.  Come on, fall!

The little man has his own little rocker at his Nan and Pops.  It was my mom’s when she was little, then mine, my sister and brother’s, and now sweet Jack Jack is enjoying reading in it, too.

It’s all in a day’s work.  He takes his work very seriously.

Isn’t my sister gorgeous?  That hair!  She’s a great aunt, Jack loves her.  I do, too.

My little boy and his favorite ride and one of his best doggie friends.

Sweet reading time before bed.

This is so fuzzy but I kept trying to get one last shot of Jack’s long curls right before we got his haircut.  Love those curls!

He wasn’t too sure what to think of the whole haircut thing.

And the stud right after his haircut.  So precious!  I wrote a whole post about his haircut because it was really tugging on my mama heart.  It’s been a big week around here for our family, specifically with me and Jack, so I’ve been kind of emotional about it all.

Ohh the dimples…

This is my favorite picture of us ever!  It’s been months since the little man has really wanted to snuggle with me- really since he was teeny.  One day this week he kept snuggling up to me on the couch and was lovin it.  He even loved when I took our picture.

Found this guy here on the couch at 6:30 the other night.  Long week.

Happy happy Friday!

Check out my past Instagram weekly photos here, where I captured our week, here, here, where I posted on a Saturday our weekly photos, here, and the very first one.

life rearranged

our week in instagram.

I still love Instagram.  It’s such a great way to share what’s going on and to remember the little moments that I don’t have my big camera for.  If you’re on Instagram, follow me– I’m laurengmorgan

I’m linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged for her InstaFriday again this week.

So this week…

We had a full week and a fun Labor Day weekend.  Hope you all did, too!  It was so nice to have a low-key, slow-moving LONG weekend.  I think we were spoiled.

We had a fun dinner out with my sister and her boyfriend.  Clearly Jack is the 3rd wheel in this picture.

Tommy’s worked at his job for 10 months now.  It’s about time I paid a visit to the town where he works that’s an hour away.  Hello cooling towers.

Pops new toy.  Looks like Jack’s room at Nan and Pops is no longer just his own.

Mr. Cool.  He’s been wanting to wear his dad’s shades all the time lately.

Late night cuddling on Dada’s lap.  This hardly ever happens.  So sweet.

Our kid loves black beans.  Mouth full of ’em.  He’s a mess.

There’s no one I’d rather be road-tripping with than this guy.  And by road-tripping I mean making the drive that he makes every day to work.  It’s a long way– more props to you, hubs.

My favorite.

Happy weekend!
life rearranged

capturing our week.

I thought I needed an updated title this time.  I really love recapping our week on here as I’ve captured it on Instagram.  Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged for her InstaFriday.

Here’s our week via Instagram:

Last week was a rough one with teething and a bit of a cold for Jack Jack.  I needed me some Sonic happy hour.  Nothing like an 89 cent drink to get you through the afternoon with a grumpy toddler.

Jack loves to play the piano.  Something he’s been doing since he was very very little [hey, Prentiss family].  They figured out that it soothed him when he was a teeny baby.  Now that he’s all grown up he likes to play himself.  I caught this moment of him playing with the help of his Nan, and little man started turning the hymnal pages.  Baby genius on our hands.

It was one of those nights where I needed to get out of the house.  No cooking, no cleaning up, just fried food.  It was good.

He’s been obsessed with his bibs lately.  He doesn’t want to take them off when he’s done eating.  He turned this one into a cape.  All moms need a superhero in their life.

Sleeping baby always melts my heart.  Always.

He loves his new golf clubs that his Pops got him, and he finally figured out how to push and pull his golf bag.  It was a proud moment.

Ice cream date with my boys.

Oh how I love the boys in my life.  They are best friends.

Maybe it’s the chair, but every time I see him like this I think “when did he grow up?”.

Thanks for reading and looking at our week.  I so appreciate you stopping by!

our week.

Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged today for her InstaFriday.

I’m obsessed with Instagram, y’all.  Greatest social media tool out there.  I would so much rather see a picture than just have an update of words.  I’m laurengmorgan on there.  I’d love to have you follow me.

New rule: no golf clubs at the table.  [And I’m totally smitten with this fella]

Family fun.

Happy birthday to my baby brother!

Our garage door had a rough weekend.  It ended poorly, too.  Now we have a nice, new shiny garage door.  And I can get my car out of the garage.  Oh, it’s the little things.

Glorious evening on the front porch.  It’s startin to feel like fall, y’all!

2 hours at the car dealership.  We had to get very creative with our entertainment.  Still smilin though.

Little man got a chair that’s the perfect size for him.  It makes my heart swell every time he backs himself up to it and sits down.  He’s growing up so fast.

The scrunchy face was finally captured!  We’ve been trying to get this for months.  His scrunchy face = our favorite.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

our week.

Our CSA pick up last week.  Lovin’ the color and variety here.  Still have a bunch of it to make.

Breakfast for all.

The perfect summer sandwich.  Two colors of tomatoes.  Yum.

Found this old picture in my phone.  Had to post it.  Livin on memory lane for a few minutes.

Back to School Spaghetti Supper at Granny and Grandfather’s.  She even made a sign.  So cute, that Granny of mine.  I was a little bummed to not be included in the back to school festivities, but hubby took care of that by getting me a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils.  Sweet man.

First time on a riding mower.  For both of them.

Crisis averted.  We went to the animal shelter and didn’t bring home a dog.  Whew.

Our week in pictures.  Linking up with Life Rearranged for her InstaFriday.


Today I hosted a wedding shower for an old friend.  Yesterday, I was busy cleaning up our house, so I completely forgot to post my instagram pictures from this week.

Coming home from vacation means a huge mess in our house.  Eating dinner with a table looking like this was a little stressful, but we’re all good now.

This little guy has found a new hobby in pulling blankets and pillows off the couch, bunching them up on the floor, and laying on them.  Sometimes, he runs and dives into them.  And sometimes, he pretends to sleep.

This week’s CSA pick-up.  Lovin’ all this color!

Jack was inspired by the Olympics, so he did his own balance beam routine.  The routine was impressive… the dismount did not.go.well.

We’ve had a fun week!  We’ve all had a cold but we’re doing much better this weekend.  Tommy and Jack had a boys day while we had many women at our home.  The boys had a blast.  As Jack gets older he enjoys spending time with Tommy even more.

Happy Weekend All!

our week.

I’m linking up with Life Rearranged for her InstaFriday again today.

This is how our week looked in my Instagram pictures.  [It was a pretty good-looking week.]

This is what happens when a 1 year old helps with vacation packing.  All of my neat piles turned into mess.

You really can’t see anything in this picture, but I had to put it in because it’s such a significant event.  The night before we left for vacation, a guy came over and bought Tommy’s motorcycle.  It was definitely bittersweet to let it go.  They loaded it up on the guy’s trailer at 10:30 pm.  Sorry neighbors.

We hit the road for the beach!  We were so excited to get there… as were all of the other cars backed up on the interstate.

The morning run was a bit sweeter with this view.  Jack liked it, too.

Our first few days here there were some pretty intense storms at times.  Day one we got to see a full double rainbow.  It was beautiful!

Another storm rolling in.  Amazing colors.  Amazing waves.  The beach never ceases to amaze me.  God’s creation never ceases to amaze me.

Charleston, here we come!  I love this bridge, and I love Charleston.

Oh my sweet little man found some live music on the boardwalk, and it made his week.  He danced for everyone, and it was beyond precious.

What’s a trip to the beach, or a day in the life of a toddler, without a good nap.  His nap hair was awesome.  He gets his crazy beach hair from his mama.

in our week.

I’m linking up with Life Rearranged today for her InstaFriday.  A glimpse of our week through Instagram.  If you follow me on Instagram [I’m laurengmorgan] you’ve probably seen most of these.

We spent last week and started out this week with a sick baby.  He ran a fever of 104.6 for several days.  Bless his heart.

And then he started feeling better.  He played outside in the rain with daddy for awhile and that seemed to do the trick.

A little [emphasis on little] extra rest followed as he continued getting better.  He woke up with this awesome nap hair!  The picture doesn’t do it justice.

I found this little guy sitting with a pile of his daddy’s nuclear engineering textbooks from college.  He was just flipping through them.  Seems like they were more interesting to him than his baby books.  Baby genius on our hands.

We celebrated my momma’s birthday this week.  Happy birthday to my mom– the most wonderful mother!  I love you!

The new [and highly anticipated by me] Target opened yesterday and Jack and I were there.  The grand opening isn’t until Saturday, so it really wasn’t too crowded.  I was excited, Jack clearly was not.